Posted by: bunnyterry | January 1, 2010

Posole for New’s Year Day

It’s here – 2010 in all it’s glory.  If the weather is any indication of how the year is going to go, this should be a great one for all of us.  The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and there’s hardly a breeze.  I just had the pleasure of sitting in the sun on the porch swing at my friend Shelley’s house while the posole was getting warm, and it made me think that you might like to have her sister Glena’s amazing posole recipe.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.  In your neck of the woods, blackeyed peas are probably the requisite lucky meal on New Year’s Day.  And we always set the table with a small bowl of blackeyeds, just as a nod to tradition in other parts of the country.  When I lived in North Carolina, the rule was that you had to have blackeyed peas and collard greens – once my marginal spouse and I were driving home through Tennessee and ended up at an equally marginal diner on New Year’s Day, begging the waitress for peas and greens.  Alas, they were all out of greens.  And of course, that’s how he would explain his bad luck that year when I finally got tired of his shenanigans and moved home to Albuquerque. 

But I digress. . ..if you’re a native New Mexican, you have to have posole for good luck on New Year’s Day.  And if you’re a food fan, you’ll love this recipe.  You can get lots of good posole throughout the state, but this is truly my favorite.  If you’re in some foreign land (Mississippi, New York, California. . .some place like that) and can’t get frozen posole,  just use canned hominy.  It’s not a perfect substitute, but sometimes you have to make do when you can’t be in the Land of Enchantment. 

Panza llena corazon contento*.  Or something like that!

Glena’s Posole Recipe

 5 boneless pork chops cubed

1pkg frozen pozole

1 container red bueno red chili

1 onion chopped

5 cloves garlic minced

12 cups water

4 TBS chicken broth granules

2 tsp oregano

 Combine pork, pozole, onion, garlic, water, chicken broth granules in a large stew pot and simmer until the pozole “POPS” about 3 hrs. You may need to add more water and chicken granules as needed. (1 tsp. granules per cup of water. When posole pops, add red chili, and oregano simmer for 30 minutes.

Best served with chopped onion, shredded cabbage, avocado, and lime.

” Full Belly Happy Heart


  1. Another great recipe you’ve posted. Will have to try this one also. YUM!

  2. I assure you cut the onions and cabbage, combine beef and pork and serve with cilantro and lemon. I make mine from an old spanish family recipe and it is the best in the country. Just ask my husbands family and my friends.

  3. 1 large beef roast
    1large pork roast or 3 good size pork tenderloins
    pressure cook till very tender, shred, save juice
    Pop posole corn, can be found frozen, if dry soak overnight.
    wash posole, add to meat juice, add meat, good powdered red chili, salt, garlic salt, dry cilantro, oregano, and dry red chili pods [best if you dry yourself or from a chili ristra.] simmer. Fill the kitchen with laughter and good smells. Serve with crackers [not cabbage] fresh ciltranto and fresh lemon juice. Nothing better on a cold day or New Years’s day. We have a pot on the stove for all our friends who stop by on Christmas eve. freezes well.

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